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Mindfulness & Meditation Practitioner Canadian Mindfulness Research Center

Canadian Mindfulness Research Center

Mindfulness & Meditation Practitioner

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Welcome in Canadian Mindfulness Research Center. Our main goal is to Enhances Productivity, bring Happiness, and improve Mental Well- being. We can help you to transcend Stress-Free Life, Anxiety, Depression, Anger, Fear, and Ego? Are you still struggling for Health, Finance, and Relationship Problems? We have special program where we can help you to transcend it. Hate, Anger, Stress etc. happen when we are not in self-love. Only Love and Compassion can heal us. You cannot transcend hate with hate but love is needed. We are here to Live with Peace, Joy, Abundance, Happiness, and Celebration. We help them to Create deep Connection with Nature and Align with the Frequency of the Universe. We encourage to take relaxed and deep breaths if you are experiencing anxiety, tension, stress, fear etc. Most of the obstacles are created by living in the memory, imagination, projection, and dream. As soon as you bring sensation of awareness of breath to the top of your nostrils, everything disappears. It does not matter how many times you disconnect with breath but keep coming back on the breath is our practice. Workshops and Training ( Group or Private) • Guided Meditation Practice
 • Motivation and Productivity 
 • Practice Compassion and Self-love 
 • Stress-Free life, Anxiety & Depression • Anger Management 
 • Work Life balance • And Many more with Sanjeev Kumar Learn more at www.santeaching.com



Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy Serenity Now Wellness Centre

Serenity Now Wellness Centre

Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy

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BCST (Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy) is a hands on light touch therapy that works with the body’s natural rhythms of self regulation and healing. At the heart of craniosacral touch there is a state of being present. Biodynamics focuses on unfolding our innate health to reestablish a balance mentally, physically and emotionally. Through the neutral listening presence of the practitioner, healthy expression and reorganization of the bodies tissues and fluids are supported. BCST is effective and gentle in its influence balancing the central nervous system and supports all systems of the body from the core. Supporting and nurturing a felt-sense relationship with the wisdom that is the human physiology is a powerfully profound, yet gentle way to work with trauma. This creates a container for clients to come into a healthy resourced state. BCST therapy is deeply supportive in balancing the nervous system. Trauma and the daily stresses of life can cause imbalances and taxation within our ANS and our bodies continually run in fight, flight or frozen states. This therapy helps to slow things down, create a deep relaxation, self repair and connection to our body. As this vital system comes back into a homeostatic balance and function better all aspects of life begin to feel more peaceful and at ease. After moving through a series of treatments, clients report coming into a better relationship with sleep, digestions, pain management, mental clarity, direction, purpose and focus as well as feeling more energized and resilient.



Hypnotherapy, Hypnosis, Trainer, Author, Speaker Transcendence Hypnosis

Transcendence Hypnosis


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I have designed my life and my practice to keep people motivated mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually and to provide encouragement, positivity, laughter, education and a bit of fun in all our daily lives. I work with everything and ANYthing is possible! ***** Let’s Talk I believe in the power of the words “Let’s Talk”, for in them magic is created and hope is born! And through those words I seek to inspire and be the medium for people to create that powerful vision of change and restorative health for themselves in their lives and to bring about empowerment, positive body image and a balanced life/career. When your mind, body, soul and spirit are all working in alignment the results you witness in your daily interactions with life will help you ascend to greater levels of happiness, contentedness and achievement than you ever thought possible. So… Let’s Talk! ***** Why Transcendence? Transcendence Hypnosis was borne of the pursuit of freedom…from the inflictions of your physical self upon your spiritual self, and your ability to pursue the life you want, on your terms. My main goal is to let my clients know that they are seen, they are heard, and they are validated and unique. The adjacent goal is to then alleviate individual suffering and open clients up to the simplicity of life, putting them on the path toward self-realization through their own thoughts and actions. ***** What If? Through my practice, I have had the profound privilege of being able to deeply connect with people on multidimensional levels. I have borne witness to often immediate and profound realizations of the ability of the self to heal through immersive hypnotherapy. Clients achieving the results that serve them in their lives only fuels the passion I have to help others answer their “What If?” with healing results that leads to their ultimate success story!