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Intuitive Healing Mindful Intentions

Mindful Intentions

Intuitive Healing

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My life's purpose and purest intention for all humanity is to help others achieve a true sense of inner peace, happiness & joyful living. Our true essence, our life's force of energy that lives within is pure and powerful and living connected to this abundant inner resource can have incredible affects on our overall health & well-being. In early 2010, I opened my intuitive energy healing practice to begin offering those-in-need a guiding light toward re-uniting clients with their innermost purest sense of self. As an Intuitive Empath, being able to understand one’s mental, emotional and physical energies has served as a fundamental element in achieving transformative results in my practice and my natural evolve through the years since my near death experiences has ignited a deep passion within me to help raise the vibration of this lifetime. As my life continues to be on a journey of understanding the vastness of our true nature, my undying passion will forever be connected to soulful living. The human experiential process is very powerful energetically and can have profound effects on your path in life. Living a life of unsettledness is NOT necessary but understanding your truth IS. INTUITIVE EMPATHS are highly intuitive beings who have an innate ability to connect & communicate with all forms of life; nature, nature's creatures, domesticated animals, living human beings, passed loved ones and the higher realm where we all belong and will ultimately return. Naturally able to tune-in and receive the energies of others can allow for an Intuitive Empath to serve very well in the healing environment. Helping others understand their Truth energetically can create life changing experiences and transformative results in one's life. NEAR DEATH EXPERIENCERS quite often upon their return, unconsciously and progressively evolve into Beings of higher knowledge & wisdom. We are 'divinely designed' and there are so many signs available for us to find during our journey here on earth. Being open with a willingness to engage in your daily living can set you on a path to connecting within and creating a life worth living.



Yoga, Ayurveda, Meditation, Holistic Wellness Coaching Nourished Union

Nourished Union


5.0 (0)

We believe that living wellness is a right to all humans. That living in balanced mind, body and soul is more than a 'nice to have' on a to-do list. It is a right to all living beings and a way of living. Our mind-body-emotions-senses know how to heal and be in balance, much like nature. Though for most of us, this busy, bustling world has taken us off balance. Nourished Union believes in living well everywhere we go, in all aspects of life. Whether at home, work, on the road, or with family/friends – living your most conscious and connected life allows you to experience the now, come into balance and achieve living your most meaningful life. We believe in WELL WITHOUT BORDERS. Living well anywhere, anytime, anyplace. Nourished Union focuses on a truly holistic approach of balancing the mind, body, emotions and senses by leveraging the ancient practices of Yoga and Ayurveda, and applying them in the modern world. We leverage scientific research to support teaching these great tools and practices, along with coaching guidance on HOW to integrate the knowledge in a tangible way. We focus our work on lowering the affects of stress, balancing the nervous system and living consciously through preventative holistic health.


Dental Services


Stress Management



RiseUp! Wellness

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However, ignoring the effects of stress can lead to other mental health


Lifestyle Counselling



RiseUp! Wellness

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live our lives can help us or it can interfere with our physical and/or mental


Lifestyle Counselling



RiseUp! Wellness

5.0 (0)

live our lives can help us or it can interfere with our physical and/or mental


Nutrition Counselling



RiseUp! Wellness

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enriched with vitamins, minerals & macronutrients can help lift up that mental


Stress Management



RiseUp! Wellness

5.0 (0)

However, ignoring the effects of stress can lead to other mental health


Nutrition Counselling



RiseUp! Wellness

5.0 (0)

enriched with vitamins, minerals & macronutrients can help lift up that mental


Distance Reiki Session



Reiki By Rio

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connected and we make good use of this connection by sending your physical, mental


Wellness Coaching



Sher Harrison | Quartz Wisdom

5.0 (6)

by forming habits and practicing rituals that support and boost your mental