What Even Is Crystal Healing? A Quick Intro to Crystal Healing
by Sakshi Singh | October 23, 2020, updated over 4 years ago
There are many kinds of crystals in the world. Each of them has its own unique healing ability for mind, body, and soul. Crystals are a source of positive energy. These gorgeous gemstones are well known as ancient forms of medicine. The healing philosophies that accompany them are derived from Buddhism, and Hinduism. I can speak for it, I am OG.
Look, I’ll pop an Advil if I have to, but if something in my room can cure (or prevent) my headache by simply being there, then why ask my body to metabolize harsh pain killers?
What Is Crystal Healing?
Crystal healing is a way to treat people's energy systems by placing crystals on and around their bodies. It’s used medicinally, in holistic health circles, to channel positive energy and draw out the negative. People have been using the powerful energy that crystals hold to heal, assist in religious services, and innovate for centuries.
Scientists use the energy inside crystals for human development. Your watch and your smartphone have crystal components. You’ll also note pharmaceutical companies grind minerals from healing crystals to put into some mainstream medicine.
How Do Crystals Help Heal?:quality(15)/https://cdn.buttercms.com/oZewVpsIQEuGZ4YU9MdT)
Magnetic stones use energy to attract or repel objects, and similarly, healing crystals attract or repel energy. When you place these healing stones on your body or near you, your energy begins to transform and shifts according to the powerful crystal's properties.
Ameenah Thobani is a healer who uses crystals, and she kindly explained how it works in better words than I ever could—
“Crystals have been known and used for their phenomenal healing powers for thousands of years. Crystals have a highly consistent molecular structure, so they can bring discordant energies back to harmony. When you contact a crystal, you become synchronized with that crystal's specific signature frequency. This balancing is known as entrainment.”
Crystals align your 7 chakras and can induce a trance state. If you are using the right crystal you’ll notice the change quite quickly.
What Kind of Outcomes Should You Expect From Crystal Healing?
Look, you shouldn’t expect to get rid of strep throat using crystals exclusively, but as part of a holistic care plan, crystals will come through for you. Ameenah Thobani expands on this—
”As humans, we have a whole system that is interconnected. Once it's in harmony, we perform at our optimum level. If all the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual levels are in balance and vibrate in the frequency of universal harmony, we live life at our highest potential.”
Crystal's vibrations are so consistent and stable we naturally entrain to them. Crystals also support our intentions, once we have used a particular healing ritual or even just sit with it, it serves as an energetically charged and beautiful reminder of the purpose we have set.”
Crystals help your body harness its natural healing abilities. They can assist in the healing of all kinds of issues, and they’ve got your back when you need to be your best self.
How Can You Use Crystals At Home?
If you want to get more bang for your buck, go see a professional crystal healer. They’ll help you figure out what crystals really work for you. That said, if you want to start making crystals part of your life and wellness routine [i]right now, here are a few ways to do so—
Wear them, they’re gorgeous!
- Place them on specific parts of your body. Breathe in and out. Try to feel the power and channel the energy.
- Meditate with them. You'll be able to focus much better, and enhance your concentration.
- Put them on the nightstand next to your bed. Our body is already in rest and repair mode, why not help it along?
- Keep them close. The best way to experience change in your energy through crystals is to keep them close. Put them in your car, in your living room, or your work desk—they’re pretty decor too.
Crystal healing is not like popping pills, it takes longer to effect change. The great thing about crystals (though I truly believe they are the right choice for everyone) is if you don’t think they’re helping you metaphysically, at least they’re pretty. You can’t make a beautiful necklace, altarpiece, or whatever with Advil (you could try, I guess). I’ll leave it to Thobani though, to have the last word—
“Crystals are the eyes, ears, nose, and mouth of the earth, which uses them to see, hear, smell, and taste. Through them, it communicates with its brothers and sisters, with the solar system's planets. Each crystal taken from the earth maintains its contact with the heart of the world."
If you want to contact a crystal healer, and learn how to be your best self by harnessing their energy, get on Which Doctor.
Sakshi Singh
Social Media and Brand Strategist
Sakshi Singh is an enthusiastic digital marketing manager and an influencer. She lives and breathes advertising and ideas. She is obsessed with social media trends and loves to stay on-point with her campaigns. She is a marketing graduate from London and has lived in many beautiful cities including Coventry, Dubai, and Mumbai. She is often found quoting dad jokes. In fact, the best way to get her attention is by sending memes. She loves dogs, movies, books, and music, not in any particular order - she'll always share the best music playlists! Currently, managing Which Doctor's online presence, campaigns, and marketing, she is extremely passionate about wellness.